Marital Masters do pretty much the same stuff as judges, but in marital cases. At the meeting, the bill's sponsor spoke first. He recounted the four charges against Master Cross, but didn't mention the Master made no errors of law. Cross's lawyer, Attorney Cronheim, cleared this up as the second to give testimony.
As Cronheim got up, a man sat down as the next to testify. He stated that Master Cross issued a divorce order that was disfavorable to him. Other attorneys, ex-judges, and lawmakers testified - against the bill. Then, there was testimony from the parents of the man who received the disfavorable divorce ruling. They argued that the Master's termination of their grandparental rights was unfair.
Peppered throughout this testimony and coming from those opposed to the bill, was the argument that the legislature should not be a place where one may launch an appeal from a court ruling. It just makes sense that the NH Supreme Court should NOT be reviewable by the NH legislature. If Master Cross made no errors of law, then how could be guilty of maladministration or malpractice? And in fact some of Master Cross's orders brought into question had been appealed and affirmed.
I just got today's New Hampshire Bar Association e-Bulletin:
On Tuesday, March 1, [2011] the House Judiciary Committee voted 10-5 to take the first steps toward the impeachment of Marital Master Philip Cross. In testimony last week, Judge Edwin Kelly urged lawmakers not to proceed with the impeachment. The allegations are based on disagreements with the master's decisions,and are vague or unsupportable, he said.
read the testimony from Edwin Kelly here.
Marital Master Cross broke many laws. He conspired to commit fraud with Judge Sadler when he held a hearing for the elements of criminal contempt, lied, and called it a hearing for civil contempt. He violated several US Supreme Court Rulings. He acted as if he were a Superior Court Judge and Jury. He charged the father child support when the father had well over 50% of the custody and the same income of the mother. He refused to follow the NH and Federal Child Support guidelines or the requirements of the child support guidelines worksheets. He refused to allow the NH DCYF and HHS Ombudsman Reports and testimony in the absence of a GAL. He held a hearing in conflict of interest and while he was a party to the case. He illegally ordered the sale of the home where the father and the child lived to pay the bogus support. He helped jail the father for ten weeks and forced the loss of the second home for the father and the child. He changed the custody without evidentiary hearings. All throughout, Judge Sadler was rubber-stamping and enabling his decisions. He ignored the orders of the child's PCP.
ReplyDeleteThat is just part of one case.
There is enough evidence in any one of the multitude of cases Philip Cross was involved with to get him sued and prosecuted.
ReplyDeleteThe real problem is the reckless maladministration of Judge Edwin Kelly. He has seen and heard and covered up enough corruption to get himself impeached, which will be forced upon the General Court before the end of this month. I've already been informed of an emergency Petition for Redress to have him impeached immediately, to prevent more abuses from his Marital Masters.
After studying many cases, it is honestly safe to report that several of the Marital Masters, GALs, and supervising Judges have committed many serious violations of law and statutes. To compound the problem, they are treating fit parents as criminals. These Jurists have deluded toward forgetting that they are public servants, and nothing more. They are making errors, violations, and abuses that would be tolerated in no other industry on this planet. Judge Ed Kelly, Master Cross, and Judge Sadler have been a textbook example for a RICO case.